Online vs In Class Time Comparison

I’ve taken both online and in class so far in my PID program. I’ve never really looked at comparing the two based on how much time you invest for both. I was on the SIE Facebook page and found this great video comparison. After watching the video I structured some of my online learning time based on tips in the video.

Hope this helps you as it has helped me!


Instructional media: what are your thoughts?

A subject posted by Suzanne in my 3240 class:

Bowen describes various information delivery methods such as use of blogs, tweets, videos, podcasts, wiki’s, e-mails and more in e-communication delivery. 

What is your method of choice? why? can you please share the pros and cons of your method. 

I would like to explore your experiences as I am not sure if I see implementation of tweets and facebook notes.  I know Bowen refers to them as immediate methods of information delivery and points out that students like them for immediate response, but they seem too informal for me.

My reply on this subject:

In our program we teach Culinary Arts to International students, with this we find that they respond very well to videos. Most of them are uploaded to You Tube or link to various You Tube videos. One of the biggest challenges with our program is the ability to get the student into the right frame of mind for there thinking process in the kitchen. There are so many factors going on in the kitchen at the same time. Trying to build a solid base for the students as them move forward in the program is the main goal. IE. setting up your workstation, practicing food safe, listening and following instructions, communication etc. We need to have all these skill sets in place as soon as possible, if we do it helps them succeed faster.

One of the videos we show them in the first couple of days is by Tom Sachs called “10 Bullets” even though it is not set in a kitchen, pretty much all of his bullet points can be crossed over to the kitchen. I know some of the people here are teaching a trade program and this might be helpful for there students also.



Instagram? Just For Posting Pictures?

Hi Everyone,

I finally signed up for an Instagram account recently after hearing one too many times from people ” You’re not on Instagram?!?!?”

After joining it and checking out I discovered it’s all about pictures, maybe I’m 2000late? or am I missing something here?

Do any of you have an Instagram account and if so what do you use it for?

You can check it out mine here slangpid3240


Live demonstration versus procedural video: a comparison of two methods for teaching.

Topic posted by Anna in my 3240 class:

Today,  I teach by  producing video demonstration. In the past, I was a firm believer that most if not all dental skills should be shown by live demonstrations.  I have to say, this method worked well when it was only one instructor providing demonstration for all students.  All  were consistent with few minor  details missing. With 5 instructors in one course, staying calibrated was a challenge. Students feedback got stronger every year and asking us Instructors to stay calibrated better for the courses that we teach together. It was challenging for 5 instructors to perform the same skill  as we are very different with various dental background.  I don’t  do live demos anymore and according to medical journal below, I still can and even should to increase student learning.

Do you do live demonstration for your students or video?

My thoughts on this subject:

I use both video and live for our demo’s. Usually we send the students the video demo’s the day before the live demo, this allows them to get familiar with the subject matter.

We find this method very successful with our International students for they are all ESL so they can watch the video’s as many times as they need to. The next day during the live demo they usually will ask questions pertaining to what they have watched, this allows us to expand to the subject matter.

As for dealing with multiple instructors teaching the same subject, I usually explain that 90% of what you see in the video or learn from another chef instructor will be the same. The other 10% will be what that chef instructor prefers but the method will still get you to the same final product.

Here’s an example of one of the videos we show:

In this video they use Brandy to deglaze the pan, where as we usually use red wine. The student would then ask us why we didn’t use brandy and used red wine which we would then let them know that that’s part of the 10% difference between chefs and that won’t effect the final product.


The Evolution of Classroom Technology

A great topic by Suzanne in my 3240 class:

I wanted to share this cool infographic about the evolution of classroom technology.

check it out: what are your thoughts?

Digital-Natives_Infographic1 (2)

A reply from Mike in my 3240 class:

Great info-graphic. It’s crazy to believe that since the early 2000’s until now, the cost to manage a digital classroom has increased 11 Billion dollars. That’s a lot of money!! I’m curious to see if this investment will pay itself off in the future. In 2025 will the cost increase to 22 Billion dollars? Or will they find ways to decrease this cost? I guess time will tell.
As a parent I want the best education for my children. Everyone will agree that purchasing new gadgets gets expensive overtime, compared to a buying a book. I agree that these tools should be used in the classroom, but is there a way minimize this cost? Either way I’m a sucker when it comes to buying electronics.
The article below is a survey that was completed in 2015. They suggest that there’s an average of 7.4 internet devices per household in the UK. They also said that more than half of people (51%) said banking and finance was the area of their lives that would be most affected without the internet or mobile phone, followed by keeping up with current events (42%), shopping (38%) and relationships with friends and family (37%).

My household contains 11 internet devices (Ouch!). How many internet devices are in your home?







Smart TV








Apple TV


My thoughts:

Hi Mike,

Here’s our household ( 2 adults and two kids 4/2 years old):

Device Qty
Laptop 4
Desktop PC 1
Tablet 3
Smart TV 1
Mobile 2 active
Wii U 1
Blue Ray Player 1
Wd Live Media Player 1

Crazy when you add it all up and the list is only going to get bigger once the kids start getting older then I will have to upgrade our service speed…. again! ( just recently got Netflix)

Times have changed since I was a kid growing up.


The Struggler.

A topic started by Don in my 3240 class:

web 2.0 tools for instructors in trades – Bing

As I struggle with the social media world, I thought maybe someone out there may as well. so I did a little reading and thought this article was pretty basic and straight up about the struggling elearner and what we can do as instructors to help them succeed or at the least, keep them motivated.


One of my classmates Craig had a similar reply to mine:

The reverse of this is my concern with using social media in my classroom. I teach in a physical class, show up an hour early, stay through all my breaks, and will stay as late as anyone wants me to after class. After this, I do not want to now be texting, Tweeting and replying to Facebook posts as well. 

If you teach in a physical class, do you share the same viewpoint? IS what I am saying unreasonable?


My reply :

Hi Craig,

I teach in a physical class also. Our classroom is a fully working kitchen servicing customers etc so most of there questions are asked throughout the day.

I’m with you on your view, we will give the student all of our time ( before class, during breaks or after class) if they are willing to put the time and effort in during class.

After hours, I try to limit my communication unless it’s something that’s needs immediate attention. My students don’t have my personal cell phone and that’s strictly one of my things, my personal cell is exactly that personal. Same goes with Facebook, personal so no current students as FB friends. After graduation I may or may not accept there friend request. The only way for them to contact me after school hours is through Edmodo or email but I specifically let the students know to not count on getting an answer or reply to there question for it’s after hours and I may be busy. They usually all understand that and think that’s fair due to my policy as above about class time during the day.

It would be great if we had this policy for I would be more open to answer “after hours” questions.


Team Teaching.

Anna in my 3240 class writes:

Have many of you co-teach a course with another instructor? How about 7 teaching with seven instructors?  I am about to teach  four weeks course with 7 instructors. Frankly I am terrified and had been reading many articles how to “Team teach” including the one below. What is your opinion on team teaching? Have you done it before? What was your experience like ?


My reply to this subject posting:

In our International Culinary Arts program , we have 33 course #’s, which are taught over a period of 17 months. Since we have 3 cohorts on the go at all times the scheduling will get quite challenging with instructor holidays and PD.  For this we have a team of 6 instructors which all must be cohesive. One of the things that we find that works for us is each instructor covers certain course #’s to keep it consistent throughout all the cohorts. Is this the perfect? no but we find it’s the best scenario and actually teaches the students and prepares them for the industry where they may have multiple chefs telling them what to do on any given day. We explain the 90%/10% rule where most of the chefs are on the same page 90% of the time and 10% of the time there may be a difference between them which is usually a personal preference on how they like the task at hand to be done.


What is the most important part of teaching?

Craig in my 3240 class writes:

Writing my assignments I was reminded of how important motivation/engaging students is in the classroom.

My favourite quote from all my PIDP was by Angelo and Cross (1993) referenced by Barkley in the Student Engagement Techniques on page 16. The quote reads “learning can – and often does- occur without teaching, but teaching can not occur without learning; teaching without learning is just talking”.

To you, what is the one most important piece of advice you could give to a new instructor?


My thoughts:

For me my piece of advice that I can give to any new instructor is to find a way to get the class to “buy in” . Once you achieve this I find that it makes the class much more engaging do to the fact that they have that hunger to learn. With this though you need to keep that momentum going, if not you might find that might start to lose them, so have a few backup plans to reignite them.



Not sure if anyone uses this as a hub for your class that you teach. The program that I’m currently instructing is a 17 month program where the students will usually have a total of 5-6 different instructors over the duration of the course. We have used this site for the last couple of years and have found that even using it as a hub to upload video links, power-points, lecture material and upcoming important dates it’s become a great tool for us.

Here’s a link to the site which doesn’t really tell you much

Here’s a link to a more in depth look at Edmodo click here

Anybody else use this here?


Can Online Learning Teach Students Essential Skills?

Another great topic from Jerry in my 3240 class who writes:

What are the nine essential skills in Education? Well they are:

For more detail on each one check out this website

I had a friend that was home schooled and completed a good portion of learning online. He later told me it was his parents choice to have him home schooled. He felt by being out of the classroom deprived him of many of the Essential skills and some of the “life lessons’ that you learn in a public environment.

Can online learning teach you oral communications?? how about working with others?? Sure there is group work online but is it the same as meeting face to face?

Personally I think learning about information and skills is good online but many of my “essential skills’ were developed in a classroom setting. Oral presentations, reading out loud and wanting to do better because people snickered when I could not pronounce words..

I think technology is a good thing, but I noticed the path technology is taking is to make things easier for the user.

I think we need to be careful as advanced technology can take over some of the critical essential skills like thinking, Writing, Oral Communications, Numeracy, Reading.

Has technology effect your skills??


My thoughts:

Interesting thought. For me I had gone to daycare/preschool/elementary/Junior high/High school/vocational school so I’ve always been in a classroom setting.

For the technology part I believe it has helped me in all facets , I use it on a daily basis for many things, research, efficiency and confirmation etc.  It has helped enhance on who I am and definitely assisted on me having a better skill set.

I think in this day and age we all want it “now” from knowing an answer to a question you have or trying to remember something and having to look it up.

This is where technology plays a major roll. In my class it’s almost faster for the student to Google something but I still refer to the textbook to find the answer.

The reason for this is that I find when you are skimming through pages to find the answer your reading over material that you may or may have not known, so this can confirm what you already know or you learn something new.

I believe the classroom setting will be there for quite some time and should always remain there, this is due to the social aspect in communication.

I can only compare it to my personal experience with my two kids, 2 and 4 years old. When it came to daycare I used to think that it was just a “babysitting” service, kids are just kept busy to pass the time. After putting my first son in daycare I soon realized that this was not so. The stuff he has learned ( both good and bad) has helped him develop much faster than a friend of ours son who is a week younger. I know this may be an isolated case because all kids develop at different speeds but this is based on what I’ve seen and also comments from friends and ECE staff at the daycare. One of the main things I believe that he is learning is disappointment and understanding why he feels this way ie. him wanting to play with a toy that someone else has but he has to wait for it.  Something that he probably wouldn’t get at home for if I were to try to teach him disappointment he would probably end up resenting me!

As for technology with my two sons, I firmly believe that if my kids are not partially educated by the use of technology that they will be behind from other kids when it comes time to school. For technology in school is becoming the norm and I believe it will only make a stronger presence as time goes by. Both my sons at 1 1/2 years old were able to do simple navigation of a tablet from finding videos on You Tube to finding a color matching app.  We still make sure that they are looking at traditional books , coloring activity books and good old fashioned supervised play outside.

I know I’ve gone on a few different tangents here but anybody else feel the same way on some of them?
